After separation there will be discussion and negotiation in relation to what is best for the children and how to resolve financial matters.
It is best if these issues can be agreed. If there is an ongoing dispute it might be necessary to raise a court action.
Court actions can be expensive, lengthy and often result in a deterioration of the relationship between the parties.
With the help of an experienced family solicitor negotiations can take place with a view to reaching consensus in relation to the outstanding matters.
Once agreement has been reached the terms of the settlement can be entered into a Minute of Agreement (often called a Separation Agreement)
The Minute of Agreement is a binding contract which details the agreement the parties have reached and often describes how that agreement is to be implemented.
Entering into a Minute of Agreement is a common way of resolving disputes in family law cases.

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Glasgow, G71 7LS
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15 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JE
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Orbital House, Peel Park, East Kilbride, G74 5PR
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Fairways Business Park, Deans, 8 Deer Park Ave, Livingston, EH54 8AF
Stirling Business Centre, Wellgreen Pl, Stirling, FK8 2DZ